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Get Lit! Literary Trivia Fundraiser

February 12, 2 - 4pm

Get Lit Trivia

Get Lit!'s First Annual Literary Trivia Fundraiser arrives this Sunday at Iron Goat Brewing! Get Lit! has been an annual four-day celebration of literature, held in Spokane for 25 years. The organization supports local authors, creative writing students, and more through its various programs and events. In preparation for Get Lit’s upcoming 25th anniversary event this April, they are hosting two trivia events this weekend: Get Lit!’s popular Harry Potter Trivia along with Literary Trivia, with categories like Classics, Banned Books, Book to Screen, Spokane Authors, and more. Tickets are just $10, and winners will receive an Iron Goat appetizer and Get Lit! prize pack. Funds raised will directly support EWU’s Get Lit! Programs, including free and low-cost events for the community. Tickets are available online now.

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